For current recommendations on books such as the children's book of the month, promotions on current events, etc., please refer to the news on our homepage or branch to Notes/Events and Promotions in the 'More' menu item of the main menu.

Further recommendations

  Title Author ISBN Price € Germany
Göpel, Die Welt neu denken©**

Unsere Welt neu denken


An appeal for more sustainability


Maja Göpel 978-3-550-20079-3 17.99
Grossmann, Was Nina wusste©**

Was Nina wusste


About the transmission of prejudice and hatred

within families can be broken up by talking

David Grossmann 978-3-446-26752-7 25.00
Ferrante, Das lügenhafte Leben der Erwachsenen©**

Das lügenhafte Leben der Erwachsenen


Plays back in Naples and deals with the social

Differences between residential areas and within

of families

Elena Ferrante 978-3-518-42952-5 24.00
Seethaler, Der letzte Satz©**

Der letzte Satz


Gustav Mahlers last trip

Robert Seethaler 978-3-446-26788-6 19.00
Meyer, Biss zur Mitternachtssonne©**

Biss zur Mitternachtssonne


Part V of the Twilight saga. 1st place in the
Spiegel Bestseller list


Stephenie Meyer 978-3-551-58446-5 28.00
Susan Neiman, Von den Deutschen lernen©**

Von den Deutschen lernen


How societies can handle poor aspects of their history.

Susan Neiman 978-3-44626-598-1 28.00


Recommendations from our publisher

Postdam Quiz©**

Potsdam Quiz of the series 'Die schlaue Schachtel'* 

of the publishing company Edition-115

Brandenburg Quiz©**

Brandenburg Quiz of the series 'Die schlaue Schachtel'* 

of the publishing company Edition-115

Dresden Quiz©**

Dresden Quiz of the series 'Die schlaue Schachtel'*

of the publishing company Edition-115

Edition-115 Felde Thiemann Kiel Sachsen Quiz Die Schlaue Schachtel©**

Sachsen Quiz of the series 'Die schlaue Schachtel'*

of the publishing company Edition-115 (in preparation)



Go to the flyer 'Die schlaue Schachtel'


* Please consider the title protection notes

** Copyright Notes