Children's Books of July 2020



The Edition-115 has set itself the task of providing particularly beautiful and smart children's books for their customers. Here our Recommendations for the month of July 2020:

Marc-Uwe Kling / Astrid Henn: Das Neinhorn

Marc-Uwe Kling / Astrid Henn:


Das Neinhorn ©**



A must-have for all friends of language turning.


ISBN 978-3-55151-841-5


Price 13.00 € Germany


  Title Author ISBN Price € Germany
Jens Rassmus: Juhu, Letzter! Die neue Olympiade der Tiere

Juhu, Letzter! Die neue Olympiade der Tiere ©**



Of joy, not always first to be.



Jens Rassmus 978-3-70745-237-2 16.95 
Emily Gravett: Das komische Ei

Das komische Ei ©**



Hardboard picture book, enchantingly witty with few words!


Emily Gravett 978-3-7373-602-8 9.99


** Copyright Notes