Children's Books of December 2021


Der Miesepups



Der Miesepups auf dem Mond

Kirstin Fuchs


Der Miesepups auf dem Mond


There he is again, the Miesepups! What will the old stinker get upset about in the long-awaited third part? A little tip: In addition to the Miesepups, there are also the Miesepups. And the two of them love each other most of all, until the tatters fly. But first of all, only grumpy pups do flying. On the moon.


Now guess who goes on a journey into space and gets everything back on track ...


Price Germany € 16.00

ISBN 9783863912833

Kirsten Fuchs


Der Miesepups hat was im Gesicht


So now the Miesepups is friends with someone - but he is totally inexperienced in it and besides, he always has something funny on his face when he thinks about the cuck. And so he wants to ask the cuck what it is. But that's not that easy: He has to look for the cuck all day long, because it is totally busy, doing this and that for all sorts of creatures, mischiefs and smaller animals in the moss forest. So the Miesepups has to talk to them, even though he's not friends with them at all. For example, he hits half and quarter Olm, which together make up three quarters of Olm, and the vanilla schnitzel. And he's used to being unfriendly to everyone. But whenever he asks about the cuck, he has that weird on his face again. What is that?


Price Germany € 16.00

ISBN 9783863911874

Der Miesepups hat was im Gesicht
Der Miesepups

Kirsten Fuchs


Der Miesepups


The Miesepups lives in a dark, untidy tree hollow and could always get upset. For example about the cuck, that thin, red-haired wiggle! Every morning it stands in front of its door with a present and asks him: "May I look at you today?" The cuck thinks he is beautiful. A three-wish fairy appears to the Miesepups, but somehow the wishes are never enough to make the cuck disappear. One day, however, he steps in front of his cave and lets the cuck peep. And then they go off together. The cuck bounces, the grumpy trampoline. Together they sound like a beautiful song.


A book for readers of four or more who know a cuck or a Miesepups or are sometimes a cuckold or a Miesepups themselves. About the great miracle of friendship between different forest dwellers.


Price Germany € 15.00

ISBN 9783863911454


** Copyright Notes