Childrens book of the month February 2023


Ente, Tod und Tulpe


Wolf Erlbruch


Ente, Tod und Tulpe


At some point every child asks the question of death. Totally at ease. All parents know this and rarely have an unbiased answer ready. As natural as death is in life, it belongs in children's books as naturally. In Wolf Erlbruch's Duck, Death and Tulip, death is a fleet-footed companion, always there, you just don't notice it: the duck had had this feeling for a long time. "Who are you and why are you sneaking behind me?" "Nice that you finally notice me," said Death. "I am Death." The duck was startled. You couldn't blame her for that. "And now you're coming for me?" "I'll be close to you as long as you live, just in case." "In case?" asked the duck. 'Well, if something happens to you. A bad cold, an accident, you never know.«


Retail price Germany € 18.00

ISBN 9783888974618

Antje Kunstmann


** Copyright Notes