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Edition-115 aktuell erinnert an Justine Siegemund


Court Midwife


First published in 1690, The Court Midwife made Justine Siegemund (1636-1705) the spokesperson for the art of midwifery at a time when most obstetrical texts were written by men. More than a technical manual, The Court Midwife contains descriptions of obstetric techniques of midwifery and its attendant social pressures. Siegemund's visibility as a writer, midwife, and proponent of an incipient professionalism accorded her a status virtually unknown to German women in the seventeenth century. Translated here into English for the first time, The Court Midwife contains riveting birthing scenes, sworn testimonials by former patients, and a brief autobiography.


Ladenpreis Deutschland € 46,79

ISBN 9780226757100

University of Chicago Press


E-Book / Sprache Englisch




Bild zur Meldung: Justine Siegemund - Court Midwife


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