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Jade McGlynn - Researching Memory and Identity in Russia and Eastern Europe - Interdisciplinary Methodologies


This book offers a collection of innovative methodological approaches to Memory Studies in Russia and Eastern Europe. Providing insights into the relationship between memory and identity, the twelve chapters provide multidisciplinary analysis of how history is used to reinforce, remould, and reinvent national and group identities.

This analysis includes a strong emphasis on interrogating the role of the researcher and the impact of methodology, exploring the field's most pressing challenges, such as the subjectivity of remembrance, reception versus production of discourse, and the inclusion of marginal perspectives.

By focussing on countries in which the past is highly politicised, including Serbia, Ukraine, Poland, Russia and the Baltic States, the volume also analyses the diverse - and often conflicting - ways in which historical narratives emerge from these states' efforts to create new pasts that shape their respective visions of the future, with pressing ramifications across this region and beyond.

Jade McGlynn is a specialist in Russian media, memory and foreign policy in the Department of War Studies, King's College London. She is the author of Memory Makers: The Politics of the Past in Putin's Russia and frequently writes and comments for the media, including CNN, BBC, The Times, The Spectator, The Telegraph, MSNBC, The Diplomat, and Foreign Policy.


Ladenpreis Deutschland € 96,29

ISBN 9783030999148

Palgrave Macmillan


Sprache Englisch


ISBN 9783030999131

Preis und Verfügbarkeit auf Anfrage



Bild zur Meldung: Jade McGlynn - Researching Memory and Identity in Russia and Eastern Europe - Interdisciplinary Methodologies


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