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Tess Gunty - The Rabbit Hutch


NATIONAL BOOK AWARD WINNER The standout literary debut that everyone is talking about "Inventive, heartbreaking and acutely funny."

The Guardian

Blandine isn't like the other residents of her building.

An online obituary writer. A young mother with a dark secret. A woman waging a solo campaign against rodents neighbors, separated only by the thin walls of a low-cost housing complex in the once bustling industrial center of Vacca Vale, Indiana.

Welcome to the Rabbit Hutch.

Ethereally beautiful and formidably intelligent, Blandine shares her apartment with three teenage boys she neither likes nor understands, all, like her, now aged out of the state foster care system that has repeatedly failed them, all searching for meaning in their lives.

Set over one sweltering week in July and culminating in a bizarre act of violence that finally changes everything, The Rabbit Hutch is a savagely beautiful and bitingly funny snapshot of contemporary America, a gorgeous and provocative tale of loneliness and longing, entrapment and, ultimately, freedom.

"Gunty writes with a keen, sensitive eye about all manner of intimacies the kind we build with other people, and the kind we cultivate around ourselves and our tenuous, private aspirations."

Raven Leilani, author of Luster


Ladenpreis Deutschland € 18,00

ISBN 9780593534663

Penguin Random House


Der Titel ist in verschiedenen Formaten erhältlich
Sprache Englisch




Bild zur Meldung: The Rabbit Hutch


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Dorfstrasse 115
24242 Felde, Deutschland


Tel.: +49 4340-499013



Mo. - Fr.      09.00 - 12.00

                     15.00 - 18.00
Sa.               09.00 - 13.00


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