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Die Ballade von Seemann und Albatros (Graphic Novel)

Nick Hayes


Die Ballade von Seemann und Albatros (Graphic Novel)


He comes out of the office, just wants to take a break, eat his sandwich on a bench and play with the Blackberry. But he is not allowed to rest. The clerk is disturbed by a stranger - a sailor who has a story to tell... "The Ballad of the Sailor and the Albatross" is a modern version of the famous ballad "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" by S. T. Coleridge (1798) - but in the case of Nick Hayes, the fantastic voyage by ship leads to an environmental catastrophe: after the sailor carelessly shot down an albatross, the ship gets caught up in the North Pacific garbage whirlpool; vengefully, the sea turns into a confetti of plastic, screw caps, styrofoam and nylon nets. "You killed the albatross / and so outraged the sea / which our entire crew / swears cruel revenge on!" the crew indignantly says. A foaming sea, poisonous mud and ghostly apparitions: the sailor understands what excessive human consumption has done. Purified, he returns to land, he wants to shake people up. Who will the city dweller pay attention to on the park bench: the sailor or his Blackberry? One thing is certain: the reader will always remember »The Ballad of the Sailor and the Albatross«. This artistically designed book is uncanny, rhythmic, clever and morally powerful. It takes up one of the most explosive topics of our time and also proves that inner values ​​and outer beauty can be in harmony.


Retail price Germany € 28.00

ISBN 9783866481572

mareverlag GmbH


Offer in November 2022


** Copyright Notes



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Dorfstrasse 115
24242 Felde, Deutschland


Tel.: +49 4340-499013



Mo. - Fr.      09.00 - 12.00

                     15.00 - 18.00
Sa.               09.00 - 13.00


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