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Childrens book of the month May 2023


Ulrich Hub - Arschbombe verboten

Ulrich Hub


Arschbombe verboten


The perfect book (to be read aloud) for family vacations: Lame ducks and blind chickens are actually best friends. But things get tricky when the two come across a huge bunch of ducks at an outdoor pool. While the duck tries in vain to make itself popular with its peers, the chicken acts as a lifeguard - and is promptly applauded. Unfortunately, it loses sight of its beloved duckling. Will a skilful ass bomb change anything? - A story about friendship, betrayal and the art of accepting yourself.


Price Germany € 13.00

ISBN 9783551557865



** Copyright Notes


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Dorfstrasse 115
24242 Felde, Deutschland


Tel.: +49 4340-499013



Mo. - Fr.      09.00 - 12.00

                     15.00 - 18.00
Sa.               09.00 - 13.00


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