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Offer in December 2023


Friedrich von Schiller - Sämtliche Gedichte und Balladen


Friedrich von Schiller - Sämtliche Gedichte und Balladen


Schiller's poems have survived "much admired and much scolded": the competition of Goethe, the ridicule of the Romantics and even their "popularity". What makes Schiller's poems fascinating and unique in their own way is the "intellectual individuality" of their author, which was just as irritating during his lifetime as it is today: "The last thing by which everything can be explained could perhaps be the autocracy of the spirit, of the inner Call it a force that keeps him free both against the external influences of the age and against the internal influences of sensuality, of mere receptivity.

Wilhelm von Humboldt


Price Germany € 20.00

ISBN 9783458172406

Insel Verlag


Friedrich von Schiller im Antiquariat der Edition-115




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Dorfstrasse 115
24242 Felde, Deutschland


Tel.: +49 4340-499013



Mo. - Fr.      09.00 - 12.00

                     15.00 - 18.00
Sa.               09.00 - 13.00


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